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- Category: Art classes for all ages
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- How Art Galleries Create Cultural Connections in Small Towns
- The Benefits of Art Classes for Children and Teens
- Exploring Art Mediums
- Overcoming the Creative Block: Tips to Reignite Your Artistic Spark
- Top Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Art Portfolio
- Navigating the Art World as a New Artist: Tips and Tricks from Creative Ventures Gallery
- Why It’s Important to Support Local Artists
- Art for Beginners: Starting Your Creative Journey
- The Benefits of Small Group Art Lessons at Creative Ventures Gallery
- The Transformative Role of Art in Education at Creative Ventures Gallery
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- Unveiling the Creative Ventures Gallery Classes and Workshops
- Art as Personal Expression: Beyond Perfectionism and Judgment
- Art as Therapy: Healing Through Creative Expression
- 6 Ways to Get Children Interested in Art
- A Beginner’s Guide to Plein Air Painting in Beautiful New Hampshire
- How to Find Inspiration and Overcome Creative Block
- Acrylic Painting Tips for Beginners
- How to Test the Believability of Your Painting
- Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Artwork at an Art Gallery
- Top 3 Tips for Painting Hair and Fur
- What Types of Natural Hairs Are Used for Paint Brushes?
- Understanding the Foreground, Middle Ground, and Background
- What Is Mark Making?
- Our Top 2 Tips for Landscape Painting
- Shape vs. Form
- What Is Foreshortening?
- How to Critique Your Own Artwork
- How to Price Your Artwork
- The Different Types of Color Contrast
- How to Name Your Painting
- The Different Types of Artist Palettes
- The Pros and Cons of Selling Prints of Your Artwork
- How to Paint Color Gradations
- Understanding Positive and Negative Space in Art
- Landscape Painting Tips for Beginners
- Acrylic Painting Supplies: What Beginners Should Buy
- 5 Painting Surfaces to Try (Other Than Canvas)
- How to Use the Wet-on-Wet Painting Technique
- How to Use a Reference Photo
- How to Choose the Right Art Medium for You
- Natural vs. Synthetic Paintbrushes
- What Is Foreshortening?
- 4 Ways Hobbyists Can Sell Their Artwork
- Everything You Need to Know About Edges in Art
- Understanding the Different Paintbrush Shapes
- The Benefits of Thumbnail Sketching for Artists
- How to Draw from Your Imagination
- Choosing the Best Painting Medium for Beginners
- The Elements of Composition in Art and Design
- How to Use the Horizon Line in Your Artwork
- What Is Value in Art?
- Understanding Linear Perspective
- Graphite vs. Charcoal Pencils: What’s Best for You?
- Oil Painting vs. Acrylic Painting
- Can Adults Learn to Draw?
- Watercolor Painting Tips for Beginners
- How to Find Artistic Inspiration
- Category: Benefits of Art
- Category: Color Theory
- Category: Curating Artwork
- Category: Local Artists
- Category: Summer Art Camp
- Category: Supporting local artists
- Category: Uncategorized
- "Article Soigne" by Dominique Boutaud
- "Splashes of Color" Alcohol Ink Workshop with Paula Kerouac
- "Sunset I" by Elaine Farmer
- "Birch Neutrals" by Elaine Farmer
- "Old Friends" by Esther Donlon
- "The Lanterned Mountains of Taiwan" by Alex Haas
- "Evening Glow" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Lazy Day in Milford" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Magic Hour" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Seashore Hideaway" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Board Meeting II" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Late Summer Farmer's Row" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Bottleneck" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Lonesome Pine" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Rolling Fog" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "At First Light" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "The Colosseum" by Esther Donlon
- "Romance in Venice" by Esther Donlon
- "Endless Arches" by Esther Donlon
- "Down Time" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Family Farm" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "In the Twilight of the Season" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Living in Vermont" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Beautiful Blue Birches" by Evalyn Maghakian
- "Copper Infusion" by Evalyn Maghakian
- "Vintage" by Susan A. Peterson
- "Vroom Vroom" by Susan A. Peterson
- "Nestled" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Pumpkin Time" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "With Thanks to Cezanne and Van Gogh" by Liz Winchester-Larson
- "Song of the Mandarin" by Liz Winchester-Larson
- "Red Bartlett Centerpiece" by Liz Winchester-Larson
- "Mrs. Ed" by James O'Donnell
- "Retired" by James O'Donnell
- "Tangled" by Alex Haas
- "Twisted" by Alex Haas
- "Still Water" by Betty Glass
- "Winter Gold" by Betty Glass
- "Solitude" by Betty Glass
- "Tree House" by Betty Glass
- "Woodsy Path 3" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Snack Time" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Salad Time" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Coffee Time" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Evening Enchantment" by Brenda Ferro
- "Morning Magic" by Brenda Ferro
- "Screech Owl" by Brenda Ferro
- "Snowy Owl" by Brenda Ferro
- "Twilight" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "The Trek Home" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Horse Country" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Nut House" by Barbara Morse
- "Out of the Blue" by Barbara Morse
- "Touch of Fall" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Ribbons of Light" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Spring Marsh" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Cosmic Explosion" by Sherri Heyward
- "Birch Reflections" by Betty Glass
- "Sounds of the Sea - Diptych" by Phil Bean
- "Autumn Palette" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Blowin' in the Wind" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Boggy Meadow" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Cast in Shadow" by Diane Orzel
- "Capturing the Light" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Dance of the Daisies" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Dancing in the Woods" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Overparked" by Diane Orzel
- "Early Summer" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Purple Silence" by Diane Orzel
- "Moose Crossing" by William Cheever Turner
- "Headlite" by William Cheever Turner
- "Winter Cloaks" by Diane Orzel
- "Intertidal Decay" by Alexander Haas
- "Lengthening Shadows" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Lost Archipelago I" by Alexander Haas
- "Lost Archipelago III" by Alexander Haas
- "Maverick: Fiesta Island" by Alexander Haas
- "Mt. Monadnock" by Eileen Belanger
- "H.G. Wells" by George Eross
- "Spring Snow" by Christine Reid
- "Heidi" by Paul Ducret
- "Allosaur" by Paul Ducret
- "Quiet Advance" by Alexander Haas
- "Amar" by Paul Ducret
- "Summer Glow" by Elizabeth Craumer
- "Sunflowers in the Night" by Kristine Mancuso
- "December Ice" by Diane Orzel
- "The Anticipation of Home" by Alexander Haas
- "Shell Collection II" by Diane Orzel
- "Blue Seascape" by Diane Orzel
- "Winter Trees" by Diane Orzel
- "The Arches" by Diane Orzel
- "Hillside Barn" by Diane Orzel
- "Early Melt" by Diane Orzel
- "Mountain Vista" by Diane Orzel
- "Shell Collection I" by Diane Orzel
- "Winter Storm" by Diane Orzel
- "The Wave" by Linda Malone
- "Valley: Birch and Marsh" by Alexander Haas
- "Waterfall" by Eileen Belanger
- "Milkshake Daisies" by Diane Orzel
- Art in Animation Summer Camp with Kristine Mancuso
- Nature Escape in Art Summer Camp with Kristine Mancuso
- Evening Adult Painting with Linda Malone
- Evening Adult Painting with Linda Malone
- Friday Homeschool Teen Art Class with Kristine Mancuso
- Friday Homeschool Teen Art Class with Kristine Mancuso
- Friday Homeschool Youth Art Class with Kristine Mancuso
- Friday Homeschool Youth Art Class with Kristine Mancuso
- Basic Oil Painting with Betty Glass
- Basic Oil Painting with Betty Glass
- Saturday Basic Oil Painting with Betty Glass
- Saturday Basic Oil Painting with Betty Glass
- "Tractor Tracks" by Elizabeth Craumer
- Saturday Watercolor Painting Class with Diane Orzel
- Saturday Watercolor Painting Class with Diane Orzel
- Watercolor Painting Class with Diane Orzel
- Watercolor Painting Class with Diane Orzel
- Sunday Pastel or Oil Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer
- Sunday Pastel And More Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer
- Pastel or Oil Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer - NEW
- Pastel or Oil Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer
- Pastel And More Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer - NEW
- Pastel And More Painting Class with Elizabeth Craumer
- Painting Fun for Children and Tweens with Kristine Mancuso
- Painting Fun for Children and Tweens with Kristine Mancuso
- Acrylic Painting Class with Eileen Belanger
- Acrylic Painting Class with Eileen Belanger
- Acrylic Painting Class with Eileen Belanger
- Acrylic Painting Class with Eileen Belanger
- Technical Drawing with Alex Haas
- Technical Drawing with Alex Haas
- Relief Printmaking Course with Alex Haas
- Fundamentals of Drawing Class for Teens with Tami Sciola
- Fundamentals of Drawing Class for Teens with Tami Sciola
- Lynda Abbot CZT
- Eileen Belanger
- Mike Brazao
- Elizabeth Craumer
- Paul Ducret
- Elaine Farmer
- Betty Glass
- Alex Haas
- Linda Malone
- Kristine Mancuso
- Diane Orzel
- Joan Poltack
- Joan Ruffels
- Tami Sciola
- Lauren Steele
Local Artists
- Phil Bean
- Dominique Boutaud
- Esther Donlon
- Paul Ducret
- George Eross
- Brenda Ferro
- Brad Gaudet
- Betty Glass
- Sherri Heyward
- Evalyn Maghakian
- Barbara Morse
- James O'Donnell
- Diane Orzel
- Susan A. Peterson
- Christine Reid
- William Cheever Turner
- Liz Winchester-Larson